04 mars 2010

NASA Voyager Recordings - Symphonies of the planets (1992)

Un coffret de 5 disques utilisant les sons des vagues electro-magnétiques captés par Voyager I & II autour de Jupiter, Saturn et Uranus.

Entre FSOL, le projet S.E.T.I. , l'ambient dark voir les films 2001 et Moon, le tout édité par le bien nommé Laserlight digital.

Share the journey of a 5 billion mile trek to the outer limits of our solar system. Hear the beautiful songs of the planets. The complex interactions of the cosmic plasma of the universe, charged electromagnetic particles from the solar wind, planetary magnetosphere, rings and moons create vibration soundscapes which are at once utterly alien and deeply familiar to the ear. Some of these sounds are hauntingly like human voices singing, giant Tibetan bowls, wind waves, birds and dolphins. Many are familiar in a way unique for each listener.

Voyager has left our solar system forever. The sounds on this recording will never be made again in our lifetime.

Cosmiquement....dans l'espace... personne ne vous entendra... péter.

Pris sur le fabuleux Zamboni soundtracks

2 commentaires:

omelette vache qui rit a dit…

Lourd lourd lourd .

Full loaded d'émincé . a dit…

Grichka et Mr Bourret à l'interieur de moi !! heen !!!